Garth Beker

Director and Client Advisor

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A white background with a few lines on it

A bit more about Garth

Garth works across most industry groups but has specialist knowledge in the business of forestry as he originally trained as a Forest Ranger with the then NZ Forest Service. Garth’s real strengths are right across the ‘contracting’ industries including forestry, road transport, roading construction and earthmoving, agriculture contracting, etc.

Garth typically spends a lot of time helping clients with business systems, business structures, business succession, tenders, costings/pricing, business proposals and specialist evaluations of forest investment options including Carbon Farming and the Emissions Trading Scheme. Garth has also had experience with the intricacies of operating in the aviation industry acting for helicopter operating companies.

Garth is a member of the NZ Institute of Directors and gets involved in a lot of governance-type work for large NZ companies.

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