Michael Allan


A black and white silhouette of a telephone on a white background.
A white background with a few lines on it

A bit more about Michael

Whilst no longer an owner and director of BFA, Michael remains passionate about agribusiness and works as a consultant for us. He continues as a director and trustee of a number of large framing enterprises. Michael’s skills and strengths lie in the areas of strategic planning, governance, succession planning, taxation, and accounting.  Michael’s involvement with clients is often in a business growth, intergenerational transfer, and strategic role.  He provides services to farming families, offshore landowners and Māori trusts and corporations.  Michael is obsessed with the need for farm businesses to have written plans and goals and for families to openly discuss these on a regular basis. 

In his spare time, Michael loves spending time with his grandchildren who take him fishing and on adventures, and usually beat him at a game of chess!  When not spending time with his grandchildren, Michael and his wife enjoy movies, travel, art and walking in the great outdoors.

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